Newest Strategy in The Block Total Experience

The Newest Strategy in the Block: Total Experience (TX)

Last October, when the reality of the pandemic became apparent worldwide, Gartner Inc released its top strategic technology trends for 2021. One of the trends that gained traction phenomenally is the concept of Total Experience (TX). Industry experts predicted that Total Experience (TX) as a strategy is essential for the organization’s growth. TX is a cocktail of multiple constituents that contribute towards business enhancement with the prospect of transforming the service industry significantly.

What Constitutes Total Experience (TX)?

Gartner defined Total Experience as a strategy that connects multi-experience that includes the bouquet of customers, employees, and users. Total Experience brings together different siloes of experiences together holistically. Creating a TX strategy is a long-term plan, where every part of the Experience has to be intricately established in the organization. Let’s take a look at the different experiences that contribute to TX.

  • Customer Experience (CX)
    Customers are the core of every business. Organizations shape their goals to achieve customer satisfaction, and CX plays a crucial role in achieving business goals. Customer Experience is shaped based on the emotions, sentiments, insights, and feedback given by customers. Customer Experience focuses not just on customer satisfaction. Retention, loyalty, and competitor advantage are some of the aspects that businesses harvest through CX. Today, organizations place CX as their top strategy by honing the customer interaction points and introducing customer engagement solutions.
  • Employee Experience (EX)
    Employee Experience (EX) gained traction in the past decade when businesses realized that customer and employee satisfaction go hand in hand. Employee Experience is all about improving the agent service delivery by equipping them with advanced tools. Employee perception of their employer is crucial for superior service delivery. Implementing EX strategies and leveraging employee experience services enhance employee performance and lead to rippled benefits across all business areas.
  • User Experience (UX)
    User Experience refers to how well a customer gets acclimated to a product or service. UX focuses on rendering the customer an exceptional experience while using a product in real-time. User Experience and Customer Experience are closely connected as they target the satisfaction that end-users derive from a business. UX touches on crucial usability aspects such as navigation, information, accessibility of a product/application/system.
  • Multi-Experience (MX)
    Multi-Experience is a relatively new concept that focuses on the customer from varied points. MX is all about engaging with the customer in their preferred mode and channel. Built on the premise that every customer is unique, MX is an intensive strategy that forges a bond with customers through communication and engagement. Whether it’s texting or creating Insta Reels, businesses use MX as a strategy to connect and commit at all levels.

A Future with Total Experience (TX) as the Core Strategy

Total Experience is comprehensive and requires the undiluted attention and contribution of the organization consistently. Although it’s complex to coordinate different strategies, TX has potential in the long run. Unifying the various Experiences will become a crucial growth factor in the future since it unlocks the seamless functioning of elements. Ensuring that all involved parties receive a premium experience improves customer-employee engagement and transforms the business.

As a pioneer of Total Experience (TX), Sensiple offers a wide range of products and services that targets the overall enhancement of Experiences in a business. Contact Us to learn more.
