tryvium Desk in the Insurance Industry - Sensiple blog

Tryvium Desk in the Insurance Industry

The insurance industry is witnessing a huge growth, which in India is expected to reach US$ 280 billion by 2020 according to a report by IBEF. This growth is directly proportional to the range of new customers the industry is going to serve. Providing the customers with the best experience of the services are of highest importance for a successful insurer.

It is not just enough to bring your services to the crowd, but it is how you impress them with the way you serve them is all that matters. Leveraging your ITSM and CRM tools with Skype for Business will add up to bring an efficient interactive platform to serve the customers.

Multitask with Tryvium Desk

A customer service agent in an insurance company handles several customers in a day and provides various IT-related support to the customers.

Policyholders may have some issues with the terms of an insurance policy, for instance, and they come with their queries. But if the service agent gets stuck in an isolated service desk tools, it may increase the response time, thereby affecting the overall customer experience. And the end-user gets queued, which may affect your customer experience heavily.

But, Tryvium Desk integrates your ITSM/CRM tools with Skype for Business. This integration opens up a vast number of opportunities for an agent-customer relationship: now the agent will be able to chat with the customers real-time on Skype for Business and create the tickets on the ITSM tool – all these multitasking on a single extension window. Thus, Tryvium Desk reduces your agent reply time and it facilitates a more personalized interaction with the customer.

tryvium Desk in the Insurance Industry

No More Repetition

If a customer had to repeat his details to the agent every time he connects, to solve a single problem, it is really time-consuming. Take, for example, a customer who has some complaints with his car insurance claim. He may have interacted already with a certain service agent for the initial filing of the claims. The next he connects back with the insurance company; he may expect to know about the processing status of his claim. Instead of that, if the agent had to ask him for his entire details all over again, the customer may get upset with these repeated cycles.

But with Tryvium Desk, the agent can view the previous conversation logs and the past tickets raised for that customer, thus helping agents to understand the larger context of the issue and respond immediately. At the end, the agent handling time is heavily reduced and the customer can have an immediate solution, thus enhancing the customer experience.

So the agent handling time can be reduced, thus enhancing the overall customer experience.


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Intelligent Routing

It is a boomeranging process if a premium payment query is attended by the claims clearing agent. Intelligent routing, which is a notable feature of Tryvium Desk, automatically routes to the appropriate agent with the customer. This in-built routing engine mechanism understands the intent of the customer and provides a queue option. The customer, by selecting the desired queue option, will be routed to the right agent who possesses the right skill to solve the issue. This direct access saves the precious time of your customers and the resolution rate is much higher.

In a workplace such as insurance industry that should cater the customer needs quickly and accurately, a standardized, modern, and efficient Tryvium Desk tool to address your everyday interaction is inevitable. It guarantees your service uptime and earns your customers’ trust.

Connect with us today for further info on Tryvium Desk and provide a delightful collaborative experience for your customers.
