5 Key Considerations for selecting the Best AI chatbot | Sensiple

What is AI chatbot? AI or Conversational bots are a piece of software program that simulates human-like conversations with the aid of NLP.

The need for digital transformation during the pandemic, now better called the “new normal”, has opened up opportunities for businesses to leverage Artificial intelligence (AI) for better user experiences and operational excellence. One such opportunity lies in chatbots. AI based chatbots automate simple tasks, routine or repetitive tasks, provide personalized user experience, scale up operations, i.e., flexible enough to handle more customers, and provide service anytime and anywhere.

Following are some factors to consider before deploying your AI based Chatbot:

Business objectives:
The first and foremost is to do your groundwork – identify business needs, potential clients, and the purpose you want to achieve by implementing an AI Based chatbot. Understanding all these with your customer’s journey and pain points will help you explore the various types of bot options available in the market and identify the right bot that fits your need.

For example, customer support bots are widely used in e-commerce, food ordering platforms, healthcare, travel, answer user queries in the consumer services sectors, answer FAQs and suggest products/services based on user’s preference. HR service desk and IT service desk bots enhance employee experience by automating monotonous as well as repetitive tasks like password reset, helping users solve minor issues, and answering simple questions. A bank bot can help customers check their account balance, statements, plan financial goals, and so on. Choosing a multi-functional bot that could be integrated with several individual bots across departments like accounting, marketing, HR, admin, etc. is also a good idea if your business demands.

Without just being a mere tool that understands and interacts conversationally, AI Based chatbots should be: emotionally intelligent to interpret the sentiments of the users to carry on the conversation based on their tone; bots must understand the context of conversations in multiple languages and provide coherent responses; bots must personalize customer experience based on data, for instance, helping out customers select a restaurant considering their preference. Another essential feature is Analytics for assessing the effectiveness of your tool and the ROIs. As chatbots can generate volumes of customer data, the analytics interface enables you to access customer-agent conversations for key metrics like customer engagement, churn rate, agents’ performance, conversation duration, etc.

Omnichannel support:
Todays communication thrives on using multi-channel modes to communicate. Brands want to stay connected with their customers seamlessly across all touchpoints, be it text, Skype, phone, email, etc. If a customer initiates a chat on the website, and the next moment sends a message through the mobile app, they need to get a seamless experience without losing track of the conversation. In best cases, friction-free handover to live agents for bringing in a higher degree of personalization.

The best AI chatbot app will be able to integrate with most, if not all of your existing enterprise platforms like CRM, HRMS, ITSM, internal communication apps like Team, Skype, etc. to orchestrate and automate workflow and pull data for insights.

Pricing, Deployment, and Industry experience of providers:
The cost of chatbots vary widely based on the type of bot, its purpose, type of support, the industry vertical, technology framework, whether it is Dialogflow, Luis, Watson Assistant, etc., third-party REST APIs if involved. The amount of back-end work for integrating with business logic, rules, and validations is also to be considered.

You can either build your chatbot or go for a ready, out-of-the-box solution or even hire an expert. The first two options come with several challenges in setting up, integration, deployment, customization, and maintenance. Hence, the cost-effective option would be to select a third-party, experienced vendor like Sensiple who designs the best AI chatbot app which can be customized for seamless integration. Sensiple’s Tryvium helps organizations to mordernize their existing contact center or setup a new modernized contact center to deliver exceptional service to customers. Tryvium’s notable features include contextual analysis, sentiment analysis, predictive analytics, data analytics and omnisupport among many other features.

To know more, talk to our product experts today.