NLP Integration with tryvium Desk - Sensiple blog

NLP Integration with Tryvium Desk

It is no overstatement that artificial intelligence is the popular talk of the IT industry. It has singlehandedly revolutionized every sector and makes us question our very conventional way of thinking. It is truly astonishing how computer robots could mimic humans in every way.

But the interesting fact is, along the way, AI has broadened its boundaries. Natural Language Processing is one such subset of AI, and this semantic technology’s primary expertise is in understanding and interpreting human language.

NLP integration has much relevance in customer service as it exhibits the same level of language understanding and interpretation skills a human agent would. Whereas a normal agent can handle only a few customers, NLP transcends human limitations, and it can be used to manage multiple customers in real-time without any typical delay and provides faster resolution.

NLP as a customer service solution

The scope of customer service is so vast that mere human workforce is insufficient to assist with all the customer requests, complaints, and other queries. So the valuable support of intelligence-based technologies is indispensable in customer care services. Among all these technologies, NLP integration is unique, with good reasons.

Now Tryvium Desk, is a service desk solution, which integrates Skype for Business with any leading ITSM tools, is an effective tool for quick, reliable, and strong customer-agent interaction. What happens when the natural language processing is integrated with Tryvium Desk? How far would that take us in regards to the better customer experience?

Best NLP Integration With Tryvium Desk

Mimicking human mind

Tryvium Desk has out-of-the-box integration with IBM Watson and Microsoft Luis. Bolstered by either of the machine learning-based service, you can build natural language into the chatbot. So when integrated with Tryvium Desk, you can enable the chatbots to understand the conversation of the customer and make out the context and the nuances of the customer’s language. For example, every customer whoever comes along an agent’s desk may have several different ways of communication that needs to be interpreted accurately and logically, the process which is efficiently done by NLP. NLP-enabled chatbots decrease the necessity of machinations and time traditionally required for human resource management and customer support.

Intent identification:

Once powered with NLP integration, the chatbot identifies the intent of the customer’s text inputs and responds accordingly. By the word the customer uses or by the tone of his text, the chatbot detects the sentiment behind the conversation and responds to the customer coherently. This immediate and human-like engagement makes NLP as the ideal partner of customer support.


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Intelligent routing to the right agent:

During a conversation with a customer, the chatbot collects all relevant information about them, and tries to provide the solution. If in case, the chatbot is unable to provide any further information or the customer wants more assistance from the human agent, the chatbot signals the routing engine. The Tryvium Desk’s routing engine then directs the customer to the right agent who has sufficient knowledge to respond to that particular query. In an ordinary scenario, the interaction might get routed to an agent who may not necessarily be aware of the customer’s issue. And this agent starts off a conversation with the customer right from the start, asking for the ongoing issue all over again. It will undoubtedly exasperate the customer.

The agent’s call handling time, as well as the customer response time, is profoundly reduced by this intelligence-based process. The reduction of unwanted complications of time lag will provide your customers with meaningful customer experience.

Connect with us today for further info on Tryvium Desk and provide a delightful collaborative experience for your customers.
