Google Cloud Contact Center AI

Unlock the Power of Google Cloud Contact Center AI

As businesses strive to keep up with the fast-paced demands of the modern world, delivering exceptional customer service has become increasingly critical for success. With a growing need for personalized interactions, the importance of an AI based contact center has never been more significant.

Creating world-class customer service is critical to the success of every company. And contact centers act as a pivotal touch point for promoting brands and prioritizing customer service.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an important constituent for contact center firms to automate repetitive tasks and equip agents to provide compelling customer experience, so it has become a prominent topic in recent years. A popular statistic states that “AI is already reshaping contact centers, and more than 80% of businesses realize that using AI tools is a competitive edge”.

AI in Contact Centers:

Maintaining a seamless, personalized, end-to-end CX across all channels is the new norm for modern contact centers. However, achieving this efficiency can take time and effort, and struggles for businesses are related to high operational expenses, poor accessibility, and ineffective agent workflows.

Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions allow machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs, perform human-like tasks for effective results, and are available around the clock to simplify workflows for agents.

How does AI based Contact Center work?

AI based cloud solution offers Contact Centers a centralized platform to collect customer data. The collected data is analyzed to extract demographic, behavioral, and location-based customer information. Contact Centers can save support expenses and give customers access to user-friendly self-service alternatives, for example, using AI-based chatbots to respond to repetitious questions instead of an agent.

Statista quotes that, “AI based contact centers are expected to generate 2.8 billion US dollars by 2024”. This prediction reflects the rising acceptance of AI-based customer support solutions, such as chatbots, in the call center industry.

Benefits of AI based Contact Center:

Strengthen Adaptive Call Routing
AI, Machine Learning, and NLP enable routing by identifying customers’ demands and directing them to the appropriate agent, depending on numerous aspects, including customer personality, advisor performance against desired KPIs, etc.

Analyze and Manage the Big Data
Every day, a large amount of data is collected in a Contact Center AI. It would not be easy to manage big data manually since it is unfeasible and expensive to analyze such a vast amount of data. Here, AI plays a vital role in data control and evaluation, providing precise insights through Machine Learning.

Improve Customer Self-service
Recently, AI has become a more widely used tool for self-service applications to handle everyday interactions. The development of AI results in voice assistants that are more intelligent and capable of improved language processing to fully understand the customer’s request and provide more thoughtful responses like humans.

Enhance CX by Predicting Customer Needs
Automated customer service and RPA solutions use big data to assess and predict customer needs. These AI tools can significantly assist businesses in personalized interactions and driving customers to desired actions through improved product/service offers.

Boost CX Using AI-Powered Sentiment Analysis
AI is capable of accurately identifying customer interactions and enhancing customer satisfaction. By evaluating data from lagging KPIs like NPS, sales surveys, etc., AI’s capabilities help businesses understand and predict the feelings of their customers and alter their offerings to boost positive sentiment.

Increase revenue and cut contact center expenses
AI-based contact centers provide many benefits, including lowered operating, analytical, and other costs and increased income through customer acquisition and retention, up-selling, and cross-selling, all supported by powerful AI technology.

AI based Contact Center powered by GCP

Google Cloud Contact Center AI Platform is explicitly designed to integrate with a modern company’s customer relationship management (CRM) platform to optimize and enhance customer service. The platform is AI-powered for automation and intelligence, and the digital-centric CX offers a seamless experience across self-service and supported channels.

The CCAI Platform is a full-stack Contact Center AI platform that handles queuing, routing, and reporting across voice and digital channels, interactions, and resource pools. The CCAI Platform enhances deployment time while reducing complexity and dependency.

At Sensiple, we have a team of certified Professionals with rich experience and extensive knowledge of the Google Cloud Platform. Our experts can help you to build a smart Contact Center AI, boost revenues & drive value, and intelligent routing with our innovative AI-led platforms.

Explore the unlimited possibilities of the Google Cloud Platform to transform your contact center experience with our AI solutions! Get in touch with us at or Contact Center executives today!
